Archive | April 2021

What Is A Vaccine Passport?

As vaccination rates for COVID-19 increase, so will the number of people traveling internationally. To limit the spread of the virus, more countries may require proof of vaccination for entry. This is where vaccine passports come in. While portable vaccination records have long been used to prove immunization, governments and airlines are now starting to experiment with electronic certificates. These could be in the form of a QR code on a mobile device and can be easily scanned to check a person’s vaccination status. Officials now predict that vaccine verifications will become commonplace for…

A New Face On A U.K Bank Note

The Bank of England recently unveiled the new £50 bill featuring famed mathematician and codebreaker Alan Turing. Turing is recognized for his breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, philosophy, and even theoretical biology. However, he was most famously known for cracking the ‘Enigma’ code during World War II and helping shorten the conflict, saving countless lives. The banknote is one of the steps that the British government is taking to posthumously amend the wrongs committed against Turing during his life – namely the wrongful conviction for his homosexuality under Victorian-era laws…