Archive | September 2022

hocus pocus 2 and nice jewish boys

hocus pocus 2 is actually pretty good, it has a ’90s charm to it which makes sense, i guess. i also talked to my ex-best-friend-ex-crush-trauma-bonded-twin-flame-guy last night, which was cool. he is doing well so yee. haven’t heard from my twitter crush man tho 🙁 hope he’s ok. ♡ i dunno what i’m doing today but tomorrow i’m going to american girl with my little cousin and my stepmom’s niece 🙂 we r going to eat lunch there and i have missed it. the mac n’ cheese ♡ the cinnamon buns ♡ yummmyyyyy

TGI – Episode 113 (“She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not”)

Grab an origami Camellia flower and a giant bone cause it’s Pod Meets World time!!
Crushes, misunderstandings and missed opportunities abound!


The crew sprints down memory lane as Will remembers receiving the biggest compliment of his acting career and Danielle has a visceral memory of what Will’s hand smelled like?! (eew!)


Plus more love for the hilarious Lee Norris and Topanga’s new curly hair!


It’s an episode that even your sister Nebula Stop The (Vietnam) War Lawrence will love!!

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We’ve been like magnets since the day we met. We were so alike, we naturally gravitated toward one another. But it’s been five years since that day. In five years, we’ve changed, and maybe we changed each other. We’re not those kids anymore. We know who we are now. 

We’re not the people we were in high school, and I’ve stopped trying to pretend that we could be again. We couldn’t. We can’t just pretend everything’s okay, and that I didn’t hurt you and you didn’t hurt me, because we did. I messed up and I’m sorry. 

None of that should have happened. I don’t know what would have gone down if we hadn’t been interrupted, manipulated, for months; dragged along by a monster disguised as a high school student. Would we have stayed friends? Would we be mad at each other now? Would we even care? Whatever might have happened, that’s high school drama. It still hurts, it haunts me a little, and it’s still a part of our past and how we met. How we bonded, anyway. We’re different now, and whatever relationship we have needs to be different too, it’s just not the same.

There’s no reason we can’t be friends as two people in their twenties who can talk like human beings. High school was dumb, and so were we. Being separate from you has made me much more aware of my own issues, and I’m sure you’ve had your share of awareness too. What we put each other through was immature and painful. I’m so incredibly thankful for it, though. Without it, I wouldn’t have been able to grow and begin to understand what the hell I wanted out of life. Finally, everything makes sense to me. I have someone out there who likes me, and I like him, and he’s not you. I’m writing for the school paper. I’m happy most days. All without you. I can’t wait to hear what you’ve done. We’ve been like magnets since the day we met. I connected myself to you, and you to me. Eventually, we pulled apart. 


i won’t let myself be ruined by you
i won’t let what he did to me make me afraid
you are not him, you could never be
that is the greatest thing about you

no, it doesn’t feel okay.
but he isn’t mine and he never was
and i couldn’t imagine it any other way after all this time.
i love you and i love him
but there is no comparison to how.
he was my past and you are my future.
he makes me sad, you make me happy.

so, no, i am not happy.
but it’s not important how i feel when you are stressed.
you need space and i will give it.
and you will come back in time.

Marla Sokoloff Meets World

Marla Sokoloff is best known for her successful career on TV shows like Full House, Friends and The Practice, but before all that – she was “Paige” (and almost Topanga) on Boy Meets World. 


The delightful actress stops by to talk to the gang about her prolific TGIF legacy, life at the Oakwoods and her memories of the infamous Topanga switch.


And they also dig deep into the psyche of the child actor, and the pressure that comes with auditioning. 


There’s a whole lot of ‘90s in this week’s interview, so bust out the scrunchies and capri pants because we’re time traveling.

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TGI – Episode 112 (“Once in Love with Amy”)

Critic / writer Starlee Kine (NPR, “Search Party”) joins the cast to define the role of comfort TV in our lives, all while dissecting quite a scandalous episode. Amy might be cheating on Alan, but the true mystery lies in Feeny’s puzzling (and kinda dumb) math equation! You may want to have your Casio calculator watch handy…


There’s some great BTS secrets (which scene made the guys break?) and the group ponders the bleak future of the American sitcom.


Plus, find out what classic TV moments scarred each of them forever!

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Barbie Block and Sally Stiner Meet World

Barbie Block and Sally Stiner were the storied casting directors for Boy Meets World and now they’re revealing how the Matthews family, and so many more of their classic TV shows, came together! 


They’ll talk auditions, missed opportunities and even their side of the infamous replacement of Topanga.


Plus, there’s plenty of amazing tips for aspiring actors AND some incredible stories about some of Hollywood’s A-lister beginnings. We heard tidbits about Will Smith, Taylor Lautner, Reese Witherspoon, Adam Scott, Brittany Murphy, Leonardo DiCaprio and much, much more!


This episode goes behind the scenes…of what goes on behind the scenes! Let’s go deeper!!

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TGI – Episode 111 (“The Father/Son Game”)

Go ahead and separate the marshmallows out of your cereal because this episode is sweet! The gang is joined once again by Trina McGee to breakdown an episode written by a young Bill Lawrence, years before his success as the creator of Scrubs and Ted Lasso.


The father/son softball game becomes more of a father/son battle and Topanga takes on Cory in the great Pledge debate. This one is loaded with some hella cool BTS details you need to hear, including why rewatching it left a bad taste in everyone’s mouths (Hint: It’s not because of Minkus’ tainted hamburger). 

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Trina McGee Meets World

Trina McGee, aka the beloved Angela Moore, joins the gang for the highly requested reunion of unpacking that Pod Meets World is known for.


These 4 friends have been through a lot and are living proof that open communication is key.


Order up a couple of Double Chubbies with cheese because this episode is ready to heal.

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