Archive | August 2022

Lance Bass Meets World

There’s nothing like young love – especially when one of you is a TV icon, and the other is in the biggest boy band of the ‘90s. 


We’re welcoming Danielle’s ex-bf, NSYNC’s Lance Bass, to relive their relationship and a very “special” Prom night. You read that right, they went to Prom together with matching teased hair. They dated for a year and she thought it was ‘gonna be her’ until (spoiler alert) he said Bye Bye Bye via telephone (mostly likely a flip phone). 


And now – they’re still close friends – and (EXCLUSIVE!) turning that Prom into a movie. Put on a tux and boutonnière, because you don’t want to miss this reunion!

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Q&A Meets World Part 2

The PMW Q&A continues as the questions get juicier than a 6-pack of Squeezits!


Why do so many people claim to have coined Topanga’s name? Were there any injuries during filming? Why the hell were The Monkees always on the show? Did the cast have bed times? And Danielle reveals her Boy Meets World crush and the person never knew…until now!


This Q&A is tough, get a helmet!

See for privacy information.

Q&A Meets World Part 1

Getting to truly know a person can often feel like trying to open a jar…when that jar is a can. That’s why we’ve got the first Q & A Meets World episode! So many questions have been emailed to the show and there is so much you want NEED to know, that we’ve recorded enough for TWO episodes!


 Did they take/steal anything from the set?  What was it like being young and famous? Were the fans crazy? Did Danielle REALLY date her first celebrity crush? And why does a criminal currently have Shawn’s leather jacket? And find out what secret message Danielle received in her lunches!


Q&A Meets World is the episode you’ve been waiting for…

See for privacy information.

pkmn trainer creator secrets

Pre-made Team Outfits: When selecting “Clothes”, press the ?-Unown and enter the words “Natural Harmonia Gropius”. 

Ketchup Pikachu: In PKMN menu, when selecting “The Chu’s”, press the ?-Unown and enter “Pikachu”. 
Messiah: In PKMN menu, when selecting “Birds”, press the ?-Unown and enter “Bird Jesus”.
Meloetta: In PKMN menu, when selecting “Legendaries”, press the ?-Unown and enter “Phantom of the Opera”. 
Page 2 Pseudo-Legendary: To unlock the coolest pseudo-legendaries, close the UI in the top right bar. Switch Backgrounds and find a Bidoof in each of them. Forest: under the big tree, beach: clouds, snow: near the lake, town: behind the smaller window, city: the sign on top of a grey building, stadium: left-side crowd. Once that’s done, go to PKMN menu and select the second page of “Pseudo-legendaries”

listening to august 19

  • I Try – courtship.
  • I’m Okay – Honest Men
  • Heartbeat Connection – Swim
  • Happiness – The 1975
  • go! – Coastal Club
  • Vicious – Sabrina Carpenter
  • Fallin’ – Your Neighbors
  • don’t worry, you will – lovelytheband
  • Rising – Julia Lester
  • Sunday Sunshine – Young Rising Sons
  • Runaway Kids – HARBOUR
  • You Never Know – Olivia Rodrigo
  • Too Much – The Ivy
  • make you feel pretty – lovelytheband
  • Pretty Little Distance – AS IT IS
  • Wasting Time – The Mowgli’s

aint it a shame

when life’s about to give u a whole world to explore but the one thing u really want is fifty-something miles away ?? u could meet every guy in the whole damn school but none of them would ever measure up to the 24 or 26-year-old (you don’t remember) you met by chance on the internet of all places. even if you just desperately wanted someone close enough so it wouldn’t be forever until you meet the love of your life and the second great love of your three great ones. of course you can’t help that he’s in between jobs and somehow doing less than you are as an unemployed almost student despite graduating what seems like a million years ago. and it doesn’t make you feel that weird that one of his little brothers is the same age as you, it’s not like it matters. he’s the nice jewish boy you’ve always dreamed of finding but never believed existed until the last one, even though he turned out to be merely a friend. you don’t want to be limited to the one man you’re falling for even though you’d feel awful if suddenly one of your new college chums became your boyfriend before you even met him in real life. you think you love him but you can never be sure until you’re in his arms