I recently came across an article from WIRED about Elon Musk’s “TruthGPT” idea, which he told Tucker Carlson about. Apparently, Musk, a South African, wants to create a conservative chatbot, because apparently ChatGPT is woke. The first thought that came to my mind was “what?”. AI can’t be biased, Elon. Maybe people are biased, but AI is artificial. Strange you don’t know that, considering you claim to be a functioning member of society. There is a difference between political bias and general consensus. The nation’s opinions tend to sway liberally because the literal definition of liberal is “open to change”. The world changes. Hence, liberal, progressive, and all those words aren’t just buzzwords. They’re reflective of the flow of life. What many conservatives seem to be unable to understand is that two or three people they met on Facebook outside of their local community aren’t the national majority. These people say liberals don’t listen. But do conservatives listen to what actual scientists say about climate change? No. It upsets me when people over seventy vote on bills that change things for people that will be here when they’re not. What sixty-five-year-old man is going to need an abortion? When is Kevin McCarthy ever going to compete on a sports team against a trans athlete? It’s very important to realize that newscasters’ opinions are not news. Just because something is said on the news, does not mean that that idea itself is news. When a news anchor gives their opinion, it isn’t to be taken as an addendum to the news. However, news without opinion becomes news without emotion. There’s a public channel called NewsNet, which claims to be an unbiased TV news channel, but the anchors never show emotion. They just report the news. They say nothing. They lack emotion, nuance, and relatability. They look sad. Even North Korean newscasters pretend to have opinions better than these guys. When bias goes out the window, so does emotion. A little bit of bias is important. Otherwise, you’re going to sound like a robot. Artificial intelligence bots are not robots, though. AI learns from people. It learns from what it is told. If the majority of people feed AI a certain opinion, that becomes fact to the AI. AI cannot understand nuance. AI doesn’t take emotion into account. It says what it hears. It’s not biased because it doesn’t have an opinion. AI thinks that everything it knows is true. It’s like, what if someone told a blind person who’s never seen before that the sky is yellow? They would believe that as fact until someone told them otherwise. If you told someone that Charlie Chaplin was American because they’ve never heard him speak, they would believe it was true. AI can’t think for itself. It won’t question what it’s being told. AI isn’t biased, maybe people are biased, or maybe the culture has changed. Maybe you’re behind the times, Elon. Maybe it’s you that needs a new opinion.
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i have so much hw to do